A free downloadable easy to print weekly post planner specifically designed for Makers who market on social media. Whether you sew, crochet, knit, draw, this calendar can help you generate and organise engaging Instagram and Facebook content.
I know I can’t be alone . . . trying to come up with daily content for social media can seem daunting. I want to be interesting and post with purpose so most days I simply . . don’t post. In an effort to be more social on social media I decided to tackle my lack of presence the same way I tackle most things in life: with a list!

Lists are my jam! Ask my husband if you need proof . . nothing brings this Maker Momma more joy than crafting a thorough list. To-do lists, groceries lists, make lists, shopping lists, . . the list of lists goes on! ha. ; )
The ‘Notes’ section on my phone is packed as is my book shelf. I collect small spiral notebooks (like the ones found here) and fill them front to back with lists!
SO, back to the topic at hand . . resolving my social media shyness with a handy go-to list of content ideas for each day of the week. If you follow me on social media you have probably picked up on my love for alliteration so it will come as no surprise that this list is organised as such.

Some of the ideas are repeats with different names so you can post them on multiple days of the week. You have options my friends, options.
Read on or download the FREE printable planner > Maker Weekly Post Planner

m o n d a y
- Make Something Monday – Post a small tutorial to inspire your audience to ‘Make Something’
- Maker Monday – feature a fellow crafter or celebrate the creatives who follow you by hosting a giveaway
- Monday Motivation – quotes are quick and well received
- Must-Have Monday – talk or write about somehing you can’t work without . . an essential tool in your maker kit!
- Handmade Monday – Highlight something you or someone else has made by hand
t u e s d a y
- Tip Tuesday – offer up a useful trick
- Tuesday Tool – share an instrument you find helpful or special (favourite crochet hook, fun scissors, game changing app, etc)
- Tuesday Technique – New stitch or way of doing something that you think others will find interesting
- Transformation Tuesday – Post a before & after to wow your maker pals
- Tag Someone Tuesday – tag a fellow maker who you love or share and tag a followers picture of your pattern
w e d n e s d a y
- What’s Going On Wednesday – share some behind the scenes content
- WIP (Work In Progress) Wednesday – sneak peek of something you’ve got on the go
- Work-space Wednesday – tour of your studio, desk, bookshelf, yarn stash, storage, tools of the trade, etc.
- Gift Wrap Wednesday – fun packaging ideas to inspire gift givers or small shops
- Wear It Wednesday – show yourself wearing something you’ve created
t h u r s d a y
- Throwback Thursday – past work, compare numbers from then to now (# of designs, sales, followers, etc), convention/trip photos, a past success or milestone, etc.
- Thinking Thursday – pose a question to your audience
- Thoughtful Thursday – shout out to craft related charity
- Thankful Thursday – person(s) or thing(s) you are grateful for
- Thursday Throws – a roundup of the most modern or Halloween themed or plushest afghans you can find
f r i d a y
- Find It Friday – hide & seek game on IG stories (I hide emoji’s on pictures I’ve posted and followers try to find them all and guess how many – go to my Instagram and look in my highlights under GAMES to see what I mean)
- Follow Friday – share accounts you think your followers will like, maybe they’re similar to your own or there’s something you find special and worth sharing about them. This is a great way to give back and spread the love in the maker community.
- Flashback Friday – previous posts or memories
- Fun Fact Friday – look up some interesting tidbits about your craft and share the best one with your audience.
- Fan Friday – shout out to someone who’s work/picture/content you love
- Fibre Friday – share a new, favourite, or unique yarn in your stash
Originally I only jotted down ideas for Monday to Friday thinking that I’d reserve the weekends for family time and spontaneous content but since deciding to write a blog post I figured it would be helpful to throw out some ideas for Saturday and Sunday as well.
s a t u r d a y + s u n d a y
- Share Something Saturday/Sunday
- Selfie Saturday/Sunday
- Saturday/Sunday Stitch
- Small Shop Saturday/Sunday
- Shout Out Saturday/Sunday
Included in the download is a blank planner for you to write in details on what you’d like to post each day.

And just for fun here are some other ideas. There’s no alliteration so they didn’t make the cut for the calendar but they’re pretty great ways of getting yourself out there non the less!
e x t r a s
- Roundups – showcase themed collections
- Q & A – ask your audience what they’d like to know and answer the questions in a post or IG story
- Fill In The Blank – “You can’t crochet without your ____” – humorous answers are sure to ensue
- Obscure Holidays – ‘Small Business Saturday’, ‘National Embroidery Month’, etc (look up and note all holidays that relate to your hobby/business and plan to post when the day arrives)
- Myth Busters – clear up common misconceptions about your craft or art
- OOTD – if you make wearable items you could show them off in an ‘Outfit Of The Day’ (OOTD) post
- Take Overs – find a fellow maker to do a takeover of your feed to showcase their craft and vice versa
- Share A Sale – if you see a supply you use go on sale you could share that with your audience (chances are they’ll apprecaite the heads up)!
- Get Personal – I’m starting to realise that the people who follow you on social media most often would like to get to know YOU . . so share your favourite food, pet peeve, or reading list!

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One thought on “Daily Social Media Content Ideas for Makers”
Hi Kimberley!
Thank you so much for this thoughtful post. It was very useful. I would love it if you kept on writing tips for makers like this one. I am starting on my journey and resources like this are much apreciated. Thank you!!
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